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UP Global-4 Reservation Status

To adjust to high volumes and a backlog of cargo flows, on Tuesday 8/25 Union Pacific instituted changes to its gate reservation program at Global 4 in Chicago which created significant confusion and challenges in receiving containers. A number of improvements have been initiated since the beginning of last week which resolved a number of the problems we were facing:


  1. UP is caught up on train loadings and has increased train allocations.

  2. UP added train starts to their network which will increase the days of service to each destination.

  3. ONE has instituted a program to supplement use of UPGo to make gate reservations.

  4. ONE continues to work with UP to improve the reservation process.


ONE Global-4 Reservation Guidelines:


A. ONE Reservation Availability Table Instructions

    1. ONE will update its “ONE Reservation Availability Table” twice daily: 6:30am and 12:30pm.

    2. Please reference the table to determine the number of reservations available:

a. Green – If green for your particular destination, then reservation availability is strong and either have the driver get a reservation at the gate or use UPGo.

b. Yellow – If yellow, then reservation availability is limited and either have the driver use UPGo or request a reservation using the “ONE Reservation Request Form”

c. Red – If red, ONE has no reservations available.

d. Future Projections – Future days will be projected and color coded, but can easily change from day to day depending on actual cargo flows.


B. ONE Reservation Request Form Instructions

    1. When not using UPGo or getting a reservation at the gate, use this form to send ONE requests for reservations.

    2. The form is for ONE bookings only and is being administered in-house by ONE.

    3. Container number must be provided at the time of request.

    4. The form is only for Global-4 exports as reservations can be secured at the gate or through UPGo at other ramps.

    5. ONE will process requests from 7am to 6pm CT Mon-Fri. (Afterhour and weekend requests should be handled through UPGo or at the gate.)

    6. The reservation request is separate from the billing process. The trucker is still required to submit billing requests separately on the ONE Billing Portal.

    7. An email will be sent back to the requester with the confirmed reservation details. Our target is to respond to requests within 60 minutes.


Separate inquiries can be sent to the team administering reservations at [email protected]





Reservation Availability Table

UP Global-4 Reservation Request Form