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Panama Canal Updates

Last Verified 12/14/23 - 3:10pm (EST)

PANAMA Canal Situation Update

Dear Valued Customers,

As a further update to previously published advisories found here, please be aware that vessels of EC6 will also reroute via the Suez Canal until further notice. Transit time may be extended by 5 to 14 days for import, 14 to 26 days for export depending on port pairs and the routing. 

The following vessels are still enroute to the Panama Canal. Due to uncertainty in Panama Canal passage, we are not able to project canal transit dates for these voyages at this time. However, we are diligently seeking the earliest possible passage.

Relevant updates will be provided as they become available.


Ocean Network Express (North America) Inc

Update to Export to Latin American Cargo

Last Verified 12/13/23 - 2:16pm (EST)

PANAMA Canal Situation Update
Export to Latin American Cargo

Dear Valued Customers,

In light of the current delays at the Panama Canal, ONE will temporarily add US East Coast ports to the standard FLX rotation. The FLX service will now call Savannah, Charleston, and Norfolk in addition to its regular calls. The first two vessels to operate with this change in rotation are the CONTSHIP FOX 0005S and LANGENESS 0004S

Bookings can be made for these two vessels immediately. 

ONE is currently developing an alternate service that will support US East Coast exports to Latin and South America until the Panama Canal situation improves. This service will be available for booking once details are finalized. An additional advisory detailing this service will be published during the week of December 18th.

FLX - Extension to US East Coast Ports

Port Rotation: (Please note: new ports of call are in red)
Port Everglades - Savannah - Charleston - Norfork - Cartagena - Manzanillo (Panama) - Rodman - Callao - Paita - Guayaquil - Rodman - Cartagena - Port Everglades

Routing Connection: 
To East Coast South America : Connect via Cartagena  
To West Coast South America : Direct service or connect via Rodman

Vessel Schedule:

Relevant updates will be provided as they become available.



Ocean Network Express (North America) Inc.